zaterdag 14 augustus 2010

flowers everywhere

Tuesday i went with my friend to Amsterdam, i didn't bought much only a few things. I was at the H&M looking for clothes, and a woman came to me and asked if i would like to come in a tv programma on BNN. Ofcourse i was interested and gave her my number, the next day she called, it was meant that i and a few other girls would dance on tv in our bikini's. I've asked my parents but they don't really liked the idea, so i sayd no. maybe when i'm older sometime! The last days we had kermis here, we partyed and ofcourse i'm still working.

ps. the box on the photo's , i got it from my bf, she bought it for me when she was on holiday. i use it for my jewels.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey Sophia! Ik heb photoshop niet gekocht. Ik gebruik nu de proefversie van 30 dagen en daarna kan je op internet gewoon een code vinden waarmee je photoshop voor altijd kan gebruik. Misschien een beetje illegaal, maargoed ssstt :$..

  2. Ah, ik vind al je foto's op je blog zó mooi! Wat voor camera heb je?
    & ik volg je ;-)

    Kom ook eens langs op mijn blog;
